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Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future : The 1600s to the Future (2015, Hardcover) read ebook DJV, PDF, FB2


Every age and every culture has relied on the incorporation of mathematics in their works of architecture to imbue the built environment with meaning and order. Mathematics is also central to the production of architecture, to its methods of measurement, fabrication and analysis. This two-volume edited collection presents a detailed portrait of the ways in which two seemingly different disciplines are interconnected. Over almost 100 chapters it illustrates and examines the relationship between architecture and mathematics. Contributors of these chapters come from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds: architects, mathematicians, historians, theoreticians, scientists and educators. Through this work, architecture may be seen and understood in a new light, by professionals as well as non-professionals.Volume II covers architecture from the Late Renaissance era, through Baroque, Ottoman, Enlightenment, Modern and contemporary styles and approaches. Key figures covered in this volume include Palladio, Michelangelo, Borromini, Sinan, Wren, Wright, Le Corbusier, Breuer, Niemeyer and Kahn. Mathematical themes which are considered include linear algebra, tiling and fractals and the geographic span of the volume s content includes works in the United States of America and Australia, in addition to those in Europe and Asia.", The aim of this collection of essays is to present a broad portrait of the ways in which two seemingly different disciplines are interconnected. The diversity and varied texture of the essays richly illustrates the affinity between architecture and mathematics. As the almost 100 papers presented in this two-volume publication show, every age and every culture has relied on principles of mathematics incorporated in their works of architecture to imbuetheir built environment with meaning and order. Included are discussions of geometry, proportional systems, linear algebra, periodic and aperiodic tilings, fractals, perspective, computer science and mechanics. Western architecture of every period is examined: Egyptian, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment, twentieth-century and beyond, as is the architecture of Turkey, China, India, Japan, Australia and Islam. The mathematical nature of the architecture of Leon Battista Alberti, Andrea Palladio and Frank Lloyd Wright is examined, and the philosophical background behind Renaissance architecture is explored. Contributors come from a wide range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds: architects, mathematicians, historians, theoreticians, scientists and educators from the world over. Architecture may be seen and understood in a new light, by professionals as well as non-professionals. "

Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future : The 1600s to the Future (2015, Hardcover) by read book TXT, FB2, EPUB

Exchange and ritual articulate central values of a society, thus appearing as parts in relationship to a whole.The contributors to this volume are architects and scholars of urbanism.In order to give full recognition to the cultural diversity within each of the Indian states, each chapter follows a coherent structure without being repetitive.This book takes an in-depth look at the social and cultural history of alcohol and its connection to larger processes in Latin America.Fourteen essays by a wide range of contributors--including founding president of the American Anthropological Associations Anthropology of Religion section Michael Winkelman, PhD; Carl A.More than thirty-two new interviews and profiles from architecture students, emerging, and established professionals give the resource a truly personal feel, and help get you acquainted with real-life scenarios from architects from varying backgrounds and specialties.Solutions of this type have an adverse impact on the architectural design, on the construction practices, on the indoor environment and on options for making buildings flexible so that they can be adapted for diverse uses over time.Whose idea of architecture counts when designing Indigenous Cultural Centres?On and By Frank Lloyd Wright' contains fourteen analytical essays that use Wright's buildings as a means to understanding his complex creative process.The move from craft-based construction methods to computer-controlled production processes now used in industrialised manufacturing has resulted in strict standards, established at design level, being imposed on the process as it takes place on the building site, creating an "assembly architecture" that no longer depends on the locally available materials, on local cultural traditions or on the specific physical context.In 2011 and 2012, the firm won MIPIM Future Project Awards, and in 2010 Emre Arolat won an Aga Khan Award for Architecture with the Ipekyol Textile Factory Building., The complete volume on the buildings and urban projects by Istanbul-based firm Emre Arolat Architects (EAA), the Turkish firm that won the 2010 Aga Khan Award for Architecture.It is first book of its kind to present a detailed picture of houses within the complex social and symbolic fabric of indigenous South-East Asian peoples.The scope of EAA's projects is all-encompassing, from luxury hotels to factories; its contents range from gritty urban sites to suburban peripheries and coastal resorts.Developing for live and pre-recorded video data input, including Google Glass API and Intel Common Connectivity Framework.